Build your home in the modern world

About us

Constructing a house is a one time achievement in life. Once you fall prey to wrong guidance, your dreams can shatter. We are here to save you from the struggles of inexperience and provide you with wisdom and clarity. Creating a house is easy, if you have enough bank balance. However, to make it 'home', you will need the help of a good architect. Home is way more than a pile of cement, stones, and iron. It is a place where you come to relax after the end of a hectic day at work. What you need from your home is a pleasant attire, and a secure place to spend some happy moments with your family. Our job is to collect, categorize, and design a customized home, from your abstract and vivid imaginations. People without technical architectural knowledge will face a hard time explaining their ideas to ordinary workers. With us, you can unleash the tsunami of your imaginations.

©2017 Buildage Corporation
+917561811188  (INDIA),   +971504900357   (UAE)